The Blog for All Things Cat
Allergic To Cats? You Can Probably Still Have One!
Many cat lover’s worst nightmare is being allergic to cats. Finding this out after adopting a cat can be worrisome. Don’t worry though, you can…
Repair Damage Caused by Cats With These Simple Tips
As cat parents, we love our cats to death. However, we all know that they can cause havoc in our homes if untrained and without…
What Is the Difference Between Stray and Feral Cats?
You may notice cats wandering around your neighborhood if you look closely enough. You may wonder where they came from, if they belong to anyone,…
Tips for Keeping Outdoor Cats Cool This Summer
While many of us soak up the air conditioning inside, we may not realize how hot it truly is outside. When our house is nice…
Bringing Home a New Cat? Prepare Your Home With These Expert Tips
Bringing home a new cat brings both excitement and many new beginnings. From finding the right cat furniture to letting your cat adjust to its…
5 Ways To Strengthen Your Relationship With Your Cat
As a cat owner, you may find that you do an emotional dance with your feline friends. One moment your cat is lounging peacefully on…
Best Cat Towers, Cat Trees, & Cat Condos of 2021
We know that trying to find the best cat tower for your cats can feel like a hassle. There are many different choices online which…
How To Travel With A Cat & Keep It Calm
We ask a lot of our cats when we take them along with us on our travels. The unfamiliar sights and smells, the loud sounds,…
6 Tips For Improving The Cat Litter Box
Dealing with the cat litter box is every cat owner’s least favorite thing. It’s a constant battle to find a place to put it &…